Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I didn't listen to construction cop

You've already heard me talk about why you should always listen to the traffic cop

Now it's the construction cop's turn.  Like the traffic cop, this is the rent-a-cop that hates being on campus in the middle of humid 90 degree weather directing traffic so that two dudes can pump water out some large thingamajig.  Normally, it's very easy to follow traffic/construction cop because you just stay away from him and stay away from the bright cones.

My mistake today was choosing to ride my bike to school.  You see, the nice little traffic cones that were set up were directly blocking the nice convenient bike path they have set up.  I went around the maintenance construction people but bypassed some of the cones to access the bike path and stay out of the way of the cars that now only had one lane for both sides of traffic. 

Construction cop gave me a stern look and told me "STAY OUT OF THE CONSTRUCTION AREA!"  I gave him a wave and a nod, but I was already out of it.  I'm sure if something had come flying towards my head, those other cones 2 feet outside of me would have saved my life.  Much like how the bike path probably saved my life when one of the frustrated cars driving through the area ran a red light after passing through.

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