Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why I know God exists: Driving tales

How can I say I know God exists? By the shear number of tremendous accidents that should have happened in front of me but didn't. I know that sounds a little conceited, especially because I've been driving for less than half of my life (if you're nerdy enough, you can figure out that makes me less than 32 years old). But please, humor me for a moment.

You would think on a Friday since I don't have to commute, it would be peaceful day. That I wouldn't encounter a number of AMAZING drivers on the road. You would have thought as I had. And ultimately, you and I would be wrong.

In a fairly impromptu decision, my brother who is visiting this weekend decided to cancel his bus ticket and bum a ride with some friends to see the Army vs. Rutgers game. Knowing this would be my chance to see a game for cheap (ie: free, since I made my brother buy my ticket before I got there), I volunteered to drive up and shuttle him back. I knew it was going to rain. I should have already prepared myself for the driving I was going to encounter. You know, the "get angry at everything, release, and just remember that people are pretty stupid in general" technique. It's what I use to avoid road rage, but sometimes your jaw just drops in awe of what has happened in front of you anyway.

Background: There is a long line of cars in the passing lane (caused by "the slowpoke" and a few cars interspersed in the right lane so that it wouldn't make (normal) sense to ever switch back into the right lane. There is always that rule-breaker though.

Car 1 is coming up quickly on my right showed no signs of slowing down as it approached Car 2 in front and to the right. Car 3 right in front of me was just about starting his pass on that Car 2 when Car 1 decides that he can defy physics and somehow manages to weave between the space between Car 3 and Car 2.

I've included a rough animation of the events for clarification:

I should become part of the next big animation film, right? I know. I'm super talented. I try to be humble, but it's hard when you're this good.

Honestly though. How does an event like that not result in an accident? God. Yep, must be it.

Other events of the night included getting free parking at the game because of the nice parking lady and an extreme version of the "last minute mind-changer" but I've already used up all of my blogging energy making that insanely awesome animation. So that's it for today. Happy Weekend!

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