Thursday, October 22, 2009

Say hello to confession thursdays!

Because after all, this blog IS "confessions of a commuter." I don't know if Thursday has any sort of significance in the Catholic tradition, but for me, it was just the random day that I chose to have "Confession Thursdays." So, here goes:

I speed. No, that wasn't my confession. That would be pretty lame of me. It's pretty much a given that I have a tendency to drive faster than the posted speed limit, and this is true more on highways than local roads. My speeding is not limited to one specific lane, but in all lanes of travel.

That said, I don't mind it if someone is passing me in a designated passing lane. If I'm already speeding and you want to zip on ahead of me, that's fine. You're just using up more gas, and it's just as likely that I'll be right behind you anyway by the time we get to the next toll booth.

My confession is this: I get inexplicably nervous if people are passing to the right of me, but only if I'm in the leftmost lane. Even if I'm sandwiched in the lane with traffic due to someone driving slowly 5 cars up ahead of me, if I see someone on the far right side making a pass, I start to feel insecure.

Why this happens, I'm unsure. Perhaps it's that I'm no longer going my optimal travel speed, and someone is shoving it in my face. Perhaps I somehow feel responsible for this person having to move into a non-passing lane by being in the left lane. Perhaps it's due to my regard for the safety of others as this speed demon weaves in and out of traffic (no, this is not meant to be ironic). Whatever reason, I get agida, and the sooner I get into a middle lane, the better I feel.

Usually which is followed by an immediate switch back into a faster lane so I can pass that slow car 5 cars up ahead.

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